About us
Why choose Ideal Protocol as your guide to transformation?
If you are in search of a knowledgeable, committed and passionately involved team that remains easily accessible…then look no further. Our clinic does not simply provide the protocol supplies and turn dieters loose on their own. Instead, it is our philosophy to provide weekly one-on-one coaching and guidance, so the net result is a true transformation. We aim to provide a modern understanding on nutrition and how it affects our shape and health. We deliver a path and tools to a healthier life and rapid weight loss is one of the many wonderful bi products. Getting lean without understanding how the excess fat accumulated, is a recipe for a lifetime of “dieting”. Losing weight without learning how to Stabilize and Maintain that transformation, sets up the classic weight regain so many of us are all too familiar with. We help our clients discover or recognize their individual circumstances that take them off the path of lean and healthy. We also develop a customized plan on how to eat after weight loss by discovering each client’s own personal “Macro Code”. We have a step-by-step and easy to follow detailed plan for a lasting dietary transformation that will deliver the desired results. Let us be your guide and partner on this journey…
Contact us now to learn more and begin the process!
Matt Parker
Wellness Director
Has maintained a strong interest in health and physical fitness throughout his life. He keeps up with programs and articles discussing the latest developments in health and nutrition. Growing up in the San Francisco bay area Matt played basketball, baseball, and soccer competitively through his high school years. These days his top athletic interest is golf and he plays as often as he can, when not hard at work or spending time with his wife and two daughters.
In 2010 Matt learned of the Ideal Protein weight loss protocol after a few of his friends went through the program with compelling results. Witnessing rapid improvements in body composition motivated him to attend a lecture by a doctor at UCSF who detailed the science behind the Ideal Protein weight loss method.
This eye-opening lecture provided great information about human physiology, biochemistry, and metabolism, which illuminated how existing dieting paradigms are ultimately flawed in some real fundamental areas. Equipped with this realization Matt and a few partners decided to open a certified Ideal Protein weight loss clinic.
Before Matt could comfortably provide these services, he knew he had to strengthen his knowledge with good old-fashioned experience; he went on the protocol for 1 month, losing 20 pounds and lowering his body fat percentage by 5%. While he appreciated the resulting aesthetic changes, there were also powerful unanticipated benefits.
Once on the Ideal Protein weight loss protocol for a little over a week, Matt appreciated bright and consistent energy that whisked him through his day without extra coffee or naps. He also enjoyed falling asleep naturally with ease each night. All of these benefits were coming along as he was dropping body fat in a rapid and sustainable fashion! Matt also reported a certain euphoric feeling and that his ability to focus was as bright as ever. He thought, “Could it be this simple? Simply by changing my eating habits I am not only leaner and healthier, but also feel my best physically, mentally, and emotionally!” At this juncture it became abundantly clear what Matt was to do with the rest of his life.
Wellness Director
Hi, I am Judy Lagana and I am the Wellness Director of our three locations at Ideal Protocol Metabolism and Weight Management. Using knowledge I gained by following Ideal Protocol, I believe I have a true understanding of exactly what our clients are experiencing. I handle most individual coaching sessions and look forward to being on this journey with you. My intent is to guide you along the way to receiving the best results and outcomes you can. I will always be here for you and will work individually with you to make sure your journey is a smooth and successful one.
As most people who experience weight issues, I have tried many programs, fad diets and exercise regiments. About 15 years ago, my Dr started coaching Ideal Protocol lifestyle in her office and I started following the plan then. Over the years since, it has always been the one thing that works consistently with me. I enjoy the fabulous energy you feel, the solid sleep, the rapid weight loss and the food is yummy!!
My background is in business and accounting, and I have enjoyed my career path of being able to help people and solve problems. I worked as a corporate manager for a large California Health chain. In that role, I opened multiple health clubs, trained the staff from top to bottom at each and handled all customer complaints from 78 clubs throughout California. During my time in the gym industry, I became a personal trainer so I would have knowledge to share when working with clients and creating personalized workouts. The gym is still one of my favorite places to hang out.
When I am not working, I love to camp in my fifth wheel, Paddle Board, spending time with my family and friends and traveling. I love cruising and exploring new places. Life is short and every day is a good day.